Photographic Memories, providing Brampton, Mississauga & GTA wedding photography and wedding video
for over 20 years featuring some of the finest Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon photography and video.

the recommended Photographer, Videographer for the famous
Old Mill Spa and Inn, Toronto Click Here
the recommended Photographer, Videographer for the beautiful
Claireport Place in Etobicoke Click Here
Other venues and locations.
When we are not at Claireport Place or The Old Mill
Find the wedding you are looking for by clicking here. Click Here
Photographic Memories, has been capturing perfect Wedding and other moments in time in the Brampton, Mississauga, Toronto, Caledon and surrounding areas since 1981. Photographic Memories, has done everything from wedding photography and wedding video to dance school photography, modeling portfolios, sports photography including hockey, baseball and soccer team photographs as well as a substantial portfolio of commercial photography and commercial video.
We are proud to feature some of the finest Brampton photographers
available and our work can also be seen on the walls of homes across
Canada giving our Brampton photographers national "exposure".
Photographic Memories, specializes in digital photography and
digital video with a virtually endless library of digital video special
Photographic Memories, is a low volume, high quality photography studio
that produces unique photographic images obtainable only by an
individual photographer that takes the time and gives the extra effort
to make the difference between average and excellence. We are also
Recommended photographer of The Old Mill Toronto, Recommended
photographer of Claireport Place, depending on where you are getting
What makes Photographic Memories, different from the rest?
We love photography, and will endeavor to give you the best quality images, whenever you entrust us with your special occasions.
Our Brampton photographers will only be satisfied when you can display your portraits with pride to friends and relatives.
Please contact us to discuss your current or future photographic needs and ideas .We will let you know what we can do to produce memorable images to the style of your desire.
Whether you are looking for a Brampton photographer for a
wedding, commercial shoot or family portrait, you should always trust a
professional. Doing it right the first time is better then trying to
save time or money and finding that you require a re-shoot because some
friend or family member has let you down. Relax, and put your
Photography or Wedding Video in the hands of a true professional.
"We love what we do, and you will love it too."
For directions to Photographic Memories, Directions To our very own House of Love
112 Valleywood Blvd.
Caledon Ontario L7C 1B4
Any questions or comments about this service contact Bob and Brenda Vienneau
Any questions or comments about this service
contact Bob & Brenda
112 Valleywood Blvd. Caledon Ontario L7C 1B4